A few years ago I came across an Alton Brown diatribe against one-use kitchen gadgets (or "unitaskers," I think he calls them) and thought it would be a good rule not to buy them for our New York kitchen. This more or less worked (mostly thanks to B2 putting his foot down on random Amazon purchases and the fact that we just had no room, lest we ...
garlicky spaghetti with lemon, capers & almonds
So, our freezer is officially ready to burst. I wish I could say that it's packed to the brim with healthy, ready-to-heat casseroles and nourishing breakfasts that I tucked away for the zombie days ahead, but that's only about 30% true -- maybe more like 0% true depending on how you interpret "healthy" or "nourishing" -- and the remainder is more ...
molly’s all of the alliums fried rice
I think fried rice may have been one of the first things I learned from my mother and grandmother in the kitchen. I imagine it must be like Sunday gravy in that every family has their own little way of doing things, though I don't know that ...
tomato-braised eggs and creamy baked polenta
Earlier this summer, I spent a few glorious hours in Venice at The Tasting Kitchen in what felt like an endless parade of dream brunch fare. Before this I'd never had any kind of chef's menu or omakase-type meal, but a group of us opted for their tasting menu (because that seemed like what you should ...
watermelon, grilled corn, & feta salad
I have a confession -- I was not a fan of watermelon & feta salad for the longest time. I wasn't even really a fan of watermelon with anything other than itself. Why, I thought, would you ever eat watermelon in any kind of way other than straight out of that striped rind with a spoon, ice cold and crisp and sugary sweet? (B2 says, "Really, with ...
korean potato salad (gamja salad)
Two days after we moved to LA, we promptly left again on what would previously have been practically impossible (or at least, incredibly not enjoyable) from our former home, the quickest weekend trip back to B2's home in Hawaii. We went for a wedding and for Halmunee-to-be's ...
easy, crispy oven fries + some news
One of the things I like most about this little space is how easy it's always been to come here and tell you (or, at the very least, future me) about all the things that have been happening in the world of the two red bowls, even if most weeks it's literally nothing but the same old, same old, plus a recipe for cake. So it was really and truly ...
asparagus, spring pea, & goat cheese quiche
For the first twenty-two or so years of my life, my experience with quiches was limited solely to the miniature frozen variety -- the ones from Costco that came in boxes of half Lorraine and half Florentine (or, in my mind, half yellow and half green), most often bought for my mother's potlucks or just for late-night snacks, pale and anemic until ...
kabocha & caramelized onion galette
As much as I dread fall (mostly because of the season that-shall-not-be-named that comes after it), I have to admit that I secretly enjoy more things about it than any cold-weather hater should have the right to. There's the undeniable coziness of multiple layers and fuzzy slippers, the soothing weight of a heavy comforter at night, the crisp ...
bibim-bar! (a bibimbap party)
We had a bibimbap party this weekend! I don't know whether it's a function of living in frenetic New York, or having a lot of lawyer friends who are forever sucked back into the office on weekends or late nights, or even just being supposedly "grown-up," but sometimes it's startling how easy it is to blink and find that it's been months since ...