Our Christmas tree is up! It's the first real, live, non-plastic tree to make an appearance in our household. We chose it in about five seconds flat last Saturday with babe in tow, in the signature haste of panicky new parents who are still not very good at this "taking the baby out into the world" thing. (Luke, meanwhile, was just passed out ...
thanksgiving leftover stuffing waffles
A few years ago I came across an Alton Brown diatribe against one-use kitchen gadgets (or "unitaskers," I think he calls them) and thought it would be a good rule not to buy them for our New York kitchen. This more or less worked (mostly thanks to B2 putting his foot down on random Amazon purchases and the fact that we just had no room, lest we ...
korean potato salad (gamja salad)
Two days after we moved to LA, we promptly left again on what would previously have been practically impossible (or at least, incredibly not enjoyable) from our former home, the quickest weekend trip back to B2's home in Hawaii. We went for a wedding and for Halmunee-to-be's ...
potato, garlic, & leek soup
Every once in a blue moon, usually when we're just about to fall asleep, B2 likes to come up with ideas for things I should cook next. I use "ideas" loosely, because it's mostly a sleepy, intentionally goofy dialogue that consists of "what about ..." followed by ...
kabocha & caramelized onion galette
As much as I dread fall (mostly because of the season that-shall-not-be-named that comes after it), I have to admit that I secretly enjoy more things about it than any cold-weather hater should have the right to. There's the undeniable coziness of multiple layers and fuzzy slippers, the soothing weight of a heavy comforter at night, the crisp ...
udon noodles with sesame dipping sauce
When we came back from Japan, I didn't think I'd try to recreate any of the magical, thoughtfully, wonderfully-made food we had while we were there. It all seemed way beyond my ken -- a just-so balance of kombu and bonito, a dollop of miso and things I couldn't even guess at, hand-pulled and ...
charred corn with miso butter, bacon & garlic scapes
Last Saturday, when we were still puttering around in the throes of jet lag, a good friend dropped by to help ease us back into the real world. She belongs to that lucky (for us) class of friends where the apartment is never too ...