Hi friends! Happy 2016! How are you faring and/or eating this week? I've been ping-ponging between something like I must consume the healthiest superfood in the world, my stomach is drowning in butter and please don't make me go cold turkey, my stomach needs more butter. After a little of each (hi there, Sunday night's ...
miso-glazed scallops
It's my dad's birthday today! My brother and I are patting each other on the back because we enrolled him in a Beer of the Month club for his birthday this year and saved ourselves him from getting something like socks or his fourth Roger Federer cap. His two great loves are beer and tennis (well, and Chinese food), so part of me is wondering how ...
peppermint mochi
Oh man, it's been not-enough-hours-in-the-day days around here lately. Most of the time it is safe to ignore me when I say that because I spend about half my waking hours huffing to B2 about the "million things I have to do" and then the other half of those hours on the couch doing zero of those things until it is too late to do them, but for ...
thanksgiving leftovers “red beans” & coconut rice
I'm boring when it comes to leftovers. (Strategy: Remove from refrigerator and eat. Alternatively, freeze, forget about, then find three months later and still eat.) My mom, on the other hand, makes magic with them -- I can't remember a single time that she tossed out leftovers in our kitchen, or a time that we didn't ask for the rest of our dinner ...
potato, garlic, & leek soup
Every once in a blue moon, usually when we're just about to fall asleep, B2 likes to come up with ideas for things I should cook next. I use "ideas" loosely, because it's mostly a sleepy, intentionally goofy dialogue that consists of "what about ..." followed by ...
hot honeycomb candy
I can't decide what I'm more excited about sharing this morning. This honeycomb candy, feathery-crisp with a subtle heat, dunked gleefully into dark chocolate, and perfectly Halloween-color-schemed, or the book that it came from, The New Sugar & Spice. Both are playful, just the right amount of ...
bibim-bar! (a bibimbap party)
We had a bibimbap party this weekend! I don't know whether it's a function of living in frenetic New York, or having a lot of lawyer friends who are forever sucked back into the office on weekends or late nights, or even just being supposedly "grown-up," but sometimes it's startling how easy it is to blink and find that it's been months since ...
frankies spuntino caesar salad with salmon
A few months ago, a super exciting thing happened and I leveled up into my own office at work (we share for the first few years). OK, so it's true, it has no windows. That comes after three years. But for the first time I have a little cave all to myself! I went a tad crazy decorating my haven with gratuitously shiny
fig, rose, & almond granola parfaits
Figs are here! We finally had our first figs of the year this weekend, and words cannot adequately express how excited I am. I feel like my first fig sighting is always one of the best days of the summer, even if it means fall isn't far away, but this year I've been even more eager than usual to catch a glimpse of those plump little soldiers ...
charred corn with miso butter, bacon & garlic scapes
Last Saturday, when we were still puttering around in the throes of jet lag, a good friend dropped by to help ease us back into the real world. She belongs to that lucky (for us) class of friends where the apartment is never too ...