Our Christmas tree is up! It's the first real, live, non-plastic tree to make an appearance in our household. We chose it in about five seconds flat last Saturday with babe in tow, in the signature haste of panicky new parents who are still not very good at this "taking the baby out into the world" thing. (Luke, meanwhile, was just passed out ...
cucumber & chamoe melon salad
As some of you might know, especially if you're as avid of a reader of her blog as I am, the wonderful Lindsey Love behind Dolly and Oatmeal is expecting a baby boy any day now! Since the first time I stumbled across her space, Lindsey has amazed me, not only because of her delicious recipes and her ...
molly’s all of the alliums fried rice
I think fried rice may have been one of the first things I learned from my mother and grandmother in the kitchen. I imagine it must be like Sunday gravy in that every family has their own little way of doing things, though I don't know that ...
jasmine-honeydew sorbet
Dear diary. Dear everyone. On Sunday, I had my very first cup of coffee in four months. !!! To be fair, I think it was about two tablespoons of coffee in a cup of milk and a boatload of sugar, so it tasted more like melted coffee ice cream than coffee, but I'm going to say it counts. It was the most exciting moment of my Sunday. Or ...
korean potato salad (gamja salad)
Two days after we moved to LA, we promptly left again on what would previously have been practically impossible (or at least, incredibly not enjoyable) from our former home, the quickest weekend trip back to B2's home in Hawaii. We went for a wedding and for Halmunee-to-be's ...
easy, crispy oven fries + some news
One of the things I like most about this little space is how easy it's always been to come here and tell you (or, at the very least, future me) about all the things that have been happening in the world of the two red bowls, even if most weeks it's literally nothing but the same old, same old, plus a recipe for cake. So it was really and truly ...
spicy salmon onigiri
I'm pretty sure you don't really need a recipe to know how to make these little snacks, which are as simple as they are delicious and are nothing more than rice and lightly dressed salmon wrapped up snug in seaweed. But I'm also convinced that there can never be enough words said about those really easy but wonderful things that are magically more ...
bubble tea oatmeal, hot and cold
Yep, it's true. I went and made oatmeal out of bubble tea. (Or bubble tea out of oatmeal?) I have no idea how it happened. The idea landed in my lap when I was making, not any other kind of kooky oatmeal, but the simplest one I've had in years -- on a particularly blustery day in this reluctant spring we've been having, I had a hankering for ...
“sukiyaki” soba noodle soup
A few months ago, a couple of friends introduced us to a soba restaurant in Midtown called Soba Totto, and introduced me to a world of wonders. Soba noodles are fast working their way up my list of favorite noodles, with their resilient bite and nutty flavor, and they were never ...
chicken & apple salad with honey mustard vinaigrette
We're back! How was the rest of your February? I won't bore you with most of the details of mine, which was mostly a mish-mash of work and other not-super-fun things, but B2 and I did top off our month with a couple of bright and beautiful days (or, more accurately, just a smidge over 24 hours) in sunny LA this past weekend, which I think is much ...