Yep, it's true. I went and made oatmeal out of bubble tea. (Or bubble tea out of oatmeal?) I have no idea how it happened. The idea landed in my lap when I was making, not any other kind of kooky oatmeal, but the simplest one I've had in years -- on a particularly blustery day in this reluctant spring we've been having, I had a hankering for ...
lime bars with saffron
The first time I had an Apt. 2B Baking Co. creation was at a picnic in Prospect Park (yep, the same as this one -- it was a very gastronomically exciting day) on the kind of Brooklyn day that would be so welcome right about now -- one of ...
chicken & apple salad with honey mustard vinaigrette
We're back! How was the rest of your February? I won't bore you with most of the details of mine, which was mostly a mish-mash of work and other not-super-fun things, but B2 and I did top off our month with a couple of bright and beautiful days (or, more accurately, just a smidge over 24 hours) in sunny LA this past weekend, which I think is much ...
hot honeycomb candy
I can't decide what I'm more excited about sharing this morning. This honeycomb candy, feathery-crisp with a subtle heat, dunked gleefully into dark chocolate, and perfectly Halloween-color-schemed, or the book that it came from, The New Sugar & Spice. Both are playful, just the right amount of ...
olive oil ice cream sundaes
This weekend I killed a mosquito! All on my own! (It should say a lot about my capability as a human that this is news.) I feel like combating wily mosquitoes in old, not-quite-insulated apartments is a defining part of the New York summer for us every year. Before B2, I always figured dousing yourself with life-shortening amounts of DEET was ...
blood orange hibiscus spritzers
Thank you to Sanpellegrino for sponsoring this post and providing the products used in this recipe! All statements and opinions are solely my own. It's been hot again this week! I love it. Just as I was getting sad ...
mul naengmyeon (korean cold noodles)
It's the last week of August and I'm sad about it! I know, technically summer doesn't end for another three weeks and change, it's still plenty humid here in Brooklyn and the heat in the subway stations still closes around us like a fist every morning on the platform, but my grieving has already started. I'm such a sucker for spring and summer. ...
frankies spuntino caesar salad with salmon
A few months ago, a super exciting thing happened and I leveled up into my own office at work (we share for the first few years). OK, so it's true, it has no windows. That comes after three years. But for the first time I have a little cave all to myself! I went a tad crazy decorating my haven with gratuitously shiny
udon noodles with sesame dipping sauce
When we came back from Japan, I didn't think I'd try to recreate any of the magical, thoughtfully, wonderfully-made food we had while we were there. It all seemed way beyond my ken -- a just-so balance of kombu and bonito, a dollop of miso and things I couldn't even guess at, hand-pulled and ...
fig, rose, & almond granola parfaits
Figs are here! We finally had our first figs of the year this weekend, and words cannot adequately express how excited I am. I feel like my first fig sighting is always one of the best days of the summer, even if it means fall isn't far away, but this year I've been even more eager than usual to catch a glimpse of those plump little soldiers ...