It’s been 100 days with my Clara girl! (Well, more like 115.) Like we did with Luke, we celebrated Clara’s 100 days with her baptism and a teeny tiny baek-il with family. We had red bean steamed rice cake, pat tteok, and pretty pastel song pyeon; I made the excellent double-vanilla cake from Tessa Huff’s new Icing on the Cake book for a little 6-inch layer cake, and (because I failed dismally yet again at making baekseolgi-tteok, even with Maangchi’s new note on how to make your own frozen rice flour, maybe a third kid’s the charm?!) an extra half-batch of Tessa’s recipe for a bunch of mini cakes too.

In 100 days and change, we have found ourselves in the care of the sunshiniest, chubbiest, sweetest little girl there ever was. She loves, in no particular order: napping, chatting all day, getting kisses, and laughing at her tyrannical big brother, even when he does things like try to squash her head or use her belly as a pillow. In keeping with all the second-child stereotypes we heard, she is more easygoing than I knew a baby could be. She’s also, evidently, longer than any girl on the WHO chart, and built a little bit like a very cute, very rotund weiner dog. My unflattering comparisons aside, we are even more in love than we thought we would be 100 (and 15) days ago. Before Clara was born I never could picture what I’d be like as a girl mom, having grown up with a little brother even before I had Luke, but the answer is–a very, very besotted one. And one who really likes buying dresses.

Her four-month birthday on the horizon means that my end of maternity leave is creeping up, too, and in case you had any illusions that I’m handling it better this time around than the last time, I’m not! We had a particularly nice surprise this time around in that B2 got to take some time off at the same time that I did, so all four of us have been kicking it at home together lately. In stark contrast to last time, when B2 went back to work pretty quickly, and I spent most of B3’s naptimes cooking and working on the cookbook, these couple of months have just been all family, all the time. It feels like a little party every day. (A tiring party.) I am sad that this peaceful pocket of time in our family is ending, but super grateful that we got it. What a wonderful gift it’s been.
I hope you are all having wonderful summers, too!

Marisa Franca Stewart
I always read your posts and look at your gorgeous photos but I don’t comment. Today is different. I had to tell you how beautiful and precious are your children. The smiles take by breath away. So happy you could spend this wonderful time with them. Love reading about your family.
Marisa, you are so kind! Thank you so much for reading, and for saying hi.
What a beautiful baby! Does she have blue eyes? One of the pictures look like she has eyes of blue. Congrats to the happy family
Thank you so much, Wendy! Yes, they do look blue sometimes! Right now she has her grandpa’s hazel eyes and in her first few months they were very blue in certain light. Both of us have brown eyes (and dark too!), so we are pretty sure this won’t last, but we love looking at them right now!
What a beautiful baby! There is a wise old soul behind those eyes.
Thank you so much, Shannon!
Oh my, could Clara be any cuter? It is evident that she radiates love, happiness, & sunshine—just so very happy to be with her family. My 2 children were about the same in age difference & for my older son, the novelty soon wore off & he was back running around with a Golden Book wanting to be read to–we held our baby daughter while he practically sat in my lap & read. They are now adults & he continues to be very protective of her & she indulges him. The christening dress is breathtakingly beautiful with the cap adding whimsy which she appears to tolerate well. So happy you’ve memories of this happy “maternity time” to pen in Claras book. Happy Happy days ahead. Thank you for sharing your family.
Such kind words, Barbara! I love your stories–your children sound wonderful and I hope Luke and Clara end up like that too. We’re lucky that although he’s a terror these days (haha) he loves Clara a lot, even when he is squashing her. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing! What beautiful pictures of your family.
Thank you so much for reading!
Rossi Anastopoulo
Oh my lord, she is ADORABLE
You’re the sweetest! Thank you so much, Rossi!
Thank you for sharing these photos. You and your family are so very blessed!
Mary Eastham
She is so adorable! You can see how easy going she is from the pics. I don’t even have kids and I wanna make that beautiful small cake. I found a wonderful new-but-made-to-look-old cake plate at Target of all places. It is calling for that beautiful cake to sit royally atop it. How nice that you and your hubby work at places that respect the need for both parents to bond with their kids, especially in the beginning. Lots of great wishes coming your way from me and my three Golden Retrievers!
I love your comment because two of the stands in these photos are from Target! You never know what gems you can find there. And agreed–we feel very lucky indeed. Thank you for commenting and hugs to you and your goldens, which I bet are just gorgeous!
Thank you so much for reading! We feel very lucky indeed.
lorie braam
what a beautiful precious family!Enjoy every moment. Time passes much too quickly.
I bet, it already feels like it does. Thank you so much, Lorie!
Sharon Griskenas
What beautiful photos! Both your children are beautiful, Enjoy!!
Thank you so much, Sharon!
Sis Adger
What a blessing to watch your family in its happiness! <3 Beautiful photos.
Thank you so much, kind Sis! Sending hugs your way.
It’s nice to be around sunshiny people of any age.
It surely is!
So beautiful! So, just perfectly presented. I am so glad of your happiness.