So, first week of work down and I’m still alive! It’s true that it’s a little overwhelming, but lots of things make it more than okay — foremost that I’m lucky to be working with great people who don’t mind that I have no idea what’s going on yet. But also — what gets me excited in any situation, of course — food. Like ordering food on the firm. (Staying late is so okay when I can get sushi fo’ FREE.) And Keurig machines in our kitchens! And, lastly but not least-ly, this pumpkin spice latte syrup.

Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes have been an obsession of mine (you know, along with the rest of the world) since the first time I had it several years ago. But it really does break the bank, and because I wasn’t willing to pick up one of these every morning for work (but also wasn’t willing not to have it) I tried out a recipe for homemade syrup after seeing them pop up on various blogs.
And this syrup is pretty much all I could want, for a fraction of the price. It’s too easy — it comes together in 5-10 minutes of active cooking and another 20 minutes of cooling time, and that’s it. And it tastes almost exactly like the Starbucks version. The recipe below makes exactly one pint, and is based off recipes I saw on Annie’s Eats and A Beautiful Mess. I adapted it slightly by adding a bit of brown sugar for depth, and upping the pumpkin somewhat. I read an article the other day about how Americans don’t actually like the taste of pumpkin when we order PSLs, but rather the spices — I beg to differ. I love pumpkin! Well, maybe not straight out of the can. But I felt the syrup was more balanced with a bit more pumpkin puree. Anyway, feel free to halve the pumpkin if you prefer a flavor profile that’s more pumpkin spice and less pumpkin 🙂 (Plus, did you know that rumor has it the Starbucks PSL doesn’t actually have pumpkin in it anyway?)
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte Syrup, based on Annie’s Eats and A Beautiful Mess
yields one pint (two cups).
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
4 cinnamon sticks (or 1 tsp cinnamon, or a combination thereof)
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/4 cup canned pumpkin
1. Combine water and both sugars in a saucepot and bring to a boil. Stir until sugar dissolves, then reduce heat to low.
2. Add cinnamon sticks, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and pumpkin, and whisk vigorously to combine. Let simmer for about 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Do not let it come to a boil. Turn off the heat and let cool for 10-20 minutes on the stove.
3. Strain through a fine mesh strainer and store in the refrigerator, or use right away!
For a latte, steam 6 ounces of milk until hot, then pour over 1 ounce of espresso. Mix in 1 tbsp of this syrup, and serve. Personally, I use about 1-2 tbsp per 10-12 oz cup of coffee, with just a few ounces of milk. This has lasted me since I made it about two weeks ago and is still going strong. It’s also great in chai. I had a horrible cold the week before I started work (thank goodness it was before!) and a chai tea with a few spoonfuls of this was the best medicine!
Enjoy, and thanks for reading!
Ruthy Kirwan
Gald to hear you’re settling in no problem! The first couple of weeks at a new job are always such a whirlwind. And so smart that you brought your own ammo in the form of PSL syrup!
SO crazy! It was weird especially going from a few solid months where my only companions were usually my oven and my cupcakes… to constant social feedback/engagement. I’m like, please let me not be a total spaz. Thanks. The PSL syrup helped!! (Well, maybe. The first couple times I used it in the kitchen I had people asking “WHAT is THAT?!” Haha.) Thanks for the comment, Ruthy!
I also just started my first full time, 9-5:30 job with benefits, vacation days, sick days, the works! Being unemployed for the past couple months and then straight to full time hours was exhausting, and causing my blogs to be a little backed up, and most likely three or four of them not ready until this weekend. Super kudos for you to keep up! 😀 Anyways the point of this rambling was, that I’m looking forward to making this and spicing up the gallons of coffee I’m drinking a week now. 😀
Oh I feel you on all of this, so much! I was really scared that I wouldn’t have the energy or the time (or the natural light!) to cook and bake for the blog after starting work, so I went a little overboard in the weeks I had off to stock up on material. It probably meant that I ended up with 20 okay things instead of 10 great ones 😉 but they’ll be good backups! I’ve accepted that I can’t post more than one new recipe a week, though — that’s for sure. Hope I can still keep up with all these lovely blogs like yours as we continue working! And hope you enjoy this in the work hubbub as much as I am 🙂
I am definitely enjoying the excitement and support of blogging and the blogging community, as well as starting a new job. I might have super underestimated my plate juggling skills with a new job and blog, definitely need to get a routine down with my blogs and photography (mostly praying the doom and gloom of the weather stops hurting my natural light photo opts.) However, it is fun and exciting. Hope I can manage keep up with all the blogs I’ve come across, including yours! 🙂
I sure have to try this, I never had a Pumpkin Spice Latte, I never go to Starbucks, but I know it’s supposed to be good, since literally everyone loves it.
Haha, good for you for skipping out on Starbucks! Your wallet isn’t missing out on anything, that’s for sure. 😉 But hope you do try this! 🙂 I used to be all about the hazelnut coffee but now I feel like I just want to drink pumpkin spiced drinks all year long. Thanks so much for your comment!
Nancy @ gottagetbaked
Hell yeah they’d better be giving you free food since they expect you to give them your soul! When I was still in law school, I went on a big firm tour and they had cots for people to sleep on. WTF is up with that?! That means they don’t expect you to go home for rest – they want you to sleep on dirty gross cots IN the office so that you don’t waste precious travel time. Cray-cray! I hope it’s not that dire for you. Good call on bringing the PSL syrup with you. I’ve been meaning to make some myself cause I’ve seen this recipe floating around too. Yours looks awesome and easy to make.
HAHA oh GOD! I’ve heard of people sleeping under their desks (not at my firm, hopefully) but never real cots, geez. This isn’t medicine, guys. We aren’t that important. Haha. Thanks for commenting, Nancy!!
chef mimi
YUM!!! i don’t do starbucks, but this would really be good at home!!!
Two Red Bowls
Haha, GOOD for you for not! I don’t mind going to Starbucks from time to time, but I really couldn’t handle the idea of going there every time I wanted a pumpkin flavored coffee. Hope you enjoy this if you make it! As an aside, I’ve read some people like to decrease the amount of pumpkin (as per Annie’s recipe), which makes total sense, and probably keeps better too.
I just made the pumpkin spice syrup and it is great! Just what I was looking for. Some recipes use too much pumpkin, others none at all, but this was just right! The first time I heard of Starbucks pumpkin spice latte I was skeptical. The following season I happened to get a free drink of choice and thought what the heck – I’ll try it. Yummy, but didn’t rock my world. This year they became an obsession of mine. You know that commercial with the woman buying a zillion pumpkin spice creamers? I tried that but most of the time they were sold out and “coffee creamers” are not even remotely healthy. I made this with organic evaporated cane sugar and brown sugar, organic pumpkin, true cinnamon sticks (not canela) and other whole spices lightly crushed in a mortar and pestle. The flavor is fantastic! I like to make coffee syrup (cold brew coffee concentrate or Toddy coffee) and having both of these in the fridge makes hot or cold pumpkin spice lattes super easy. Thanks again!
Julia, you don’t know how wonderful this was to read! You’ve made my day — I absolutely love hearing feedback on recipes, especially when someone’s put their own take on it like you have. I just bet that the freshly crushed spices were unbelievably good in this syrup. So glad that you liked it! And so funny — I love cold brew, too! I like your style. Thanks so much for this amazing comment! PS I completely agree with you on creamers, too! Glad we can both steer clear of those.
Thank you! Making the spice infused simple syrup I was reminded of my favorite sangria recipe. I saw that you have a non-traditional sangria and would like to share mine. I don’t see a way to send it privately so I hope it’s okay to post here.
3/4 c. Water
1/2 c. Superfine sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
Juice of two oranges, two limes, and one grapefruit (Texas Ruby Red)
12-14 orange slices
Bring water, sugar, and cinnamon sticks to a boil, stir until sugar is dissolved, and let sit 30 min.
Combine fruit juices, cinnamon syrup, and a bottle of dry red wine and orange slices and serve.
-Substitute any type of sugar or sweetener you prefer such as evaporated cane juice, turbinado sugar, or a combination of granulated and brown sugar or even piloncillo if available. You can also let the cinnamon syrup sit more than 30 minutes for more flavor
-Use any combination of citrus and fruit juice. Grapefruit doesn’t play nice with many types of prescription medications. Try using fresh squeezed blood oranges and peach nectar for bellinies. Put a couple of tablespoons in a champagne flute then carefully pour champagne down the side of the glass to create a layered look.
-Try adding it to another type of wine. I can’t drink red wine so I’ve make it with white wine which is delicious. I think it would also be good with a sparkling wine or a non-alcoholic sparkling cider, or anything you like or have on hand.
-I like to make fruit kabobs with pineapple, watermelon balls, grapes, cherries,strawberries,etc. I like the way they look in the pitcher or place one in each glass.
-Combine the syrup and juice in a mason jar to give as gifts along with a bottle of wine. I have a couple of friends who basically demand it when I visit.
* This is my own recipe, non-copyrighted, and free for anybody to use.
That sounds lovely!! Thank you so much for posting this! I’ll have to try it sometime.
Love the recipe! But for how long can I keep the syrup?
also is it possible to use fresh pumpkin? we don’t have canned pumpkin in South Africa hehe
Hi Wilandri! I imagine it’s completely possible to use fresh pumpkin (and may taste even better!) But you would have to roast the pumpkin first and then puree it — here’s a tutorial by the Pioneer Woman: I’ve seen others, too (but hers are always reliable!)
It may be a bit of a hassle for just the 1/4 to 1/3 cup of puree that this syrup calls for, so I don’t know if maybe you want to taste the syrup without the pumpkin to see how you like it. (Or you could just make tons of pumpkin pie :D!) I’ve heard that Starbucks doesn’t even use any pumpkin in their syrup!
And to answer your original question, the syrup keeps at its best for 2-3 weeks. I noticed by the end of the fourth week that the flavor began to fade a bit — it still tasted good, but I had to use more.
Thank you so much for your comment! 🙂 Where do you live in South Africa? I worked in Cape Town for a summer (your winter) a few years ago and it was one of the best summers of my life.
Thanks for the reply! I will definitely try it without the pumpkin. I love the mix of spices! That’s crazy about Starbucks, but also kind of expected.
I actually live in Cape Town! It’s an amazing city. I love it so much! Where you here on holiday? You must come in the summer, it’s even better then!!
Going to try your nutella and espresso pancakes as well!
Haha, isn’t it? Oh Starbucks. As much as I love them, I’m glad to be able to avoid spending all my money there, and actually know what’s going in my coffee!
Ahhh, I am so jealous! I loved it too and miss it so much. I know, I really need to make it back there in the summer! I was there for “work,” but I was still a student then and it was an internship so really it was for holiday 😉 I lived and worked in the southern suburbs. Hope to make it back to your lovely city someday!
And YAY! I love those 🙂 Hope you like them too!
I just re-discovered this recipe in my haste to figure out how to avoid giving starbucks my entire paycheck during PSL season — which is apparently coming early this year (August 25th?! its still summer!)
As always, wonderful recipe and photos. So happy I found your blog earlier this year! It’s one of my favorites!
Starbucks recently changed its recipe to include real pumpkin. Thanks for this recipe. It will make my life so much better. 🙂
Paige Brooks
Awesome! I’m going to try this and I love the feedback from those who tried it. I was online searching for syrup to buy and its 20$. so then I was looking for a recipe and yours looks great. i hope to keep it on hand and make real quality espresso at home. I am on a tight budget so it’s still not fancy espresso but I am aiming for real-er lol. Thank you 🙂