Hello! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? I thought I’d just pop in to say a quick hello and share a few snippets from life lately, even if I don’t have a new recipe to share. First, the big news—we are, in fact, expecting another baby bowl. It’s going to be another little girl! This pregnancy has been rougher than the previous two combined, but I’m feeling much better and we could not be more excited for B5. Luke is at the age where he likes to kiss my bump and say he loves the baby, which is great until he also sits on my bump and announces, “I squashed the baby!”

So, there’s that! It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been over a year since news started swirling about COVID-19 and close to a year since our lives changed so dramatically. Clara just turned two (hooray) and it reminds us of how, around this time a year ago, we had all our friends and family in LA over for her dol–and how we had no idea that would actually be the last time we saw many of them in person for quite some time. But hopefully we will again one of these days.
On the food front, I really haven’t been experimenting much in the kitchen. It feels like everything I eat has made me feel sick during this pregnancy (although it evidently does not stop me from eating), so it’s been a lot of ginger soups and rice bowls for me in particular. But a few things that have helped me liven things up a bit lately:
- Girl & Dug Farm has incredible theme boxes of fresh, gorgeous produce that they curate, along with recipe tips and instructions, to give you ideas for meals. They sent me their Grain Bowl Box recently and it could not have come at a better time–so many beautiful herbs, new-to-me veggies like spigariello and D’Auvignon radishes, Korean beauties like daepa, minari and buchu, and, most excitingly for me, a perfect little bundle of tender pea shoots, my absolute favorite childhood way to eat greens. The spigariello and Korean spinach got sauteed, the minari blanched and mixed with sesame oil to make namul, the radishes pickled, and buchu into a big pile of buchu jeon; it’s all brought so much freshness and new flavor into our food this week. I am so gratified, too, to see these traditionally Asian vegetables brought to a broader audience.
- I also recently tried this new brand of frozen bone broths and noodles through a St. Jude fundraiser hosted by my friends at the phenomenal collective Gold House. We’ve been ordering takeout and delivery as much as we can to support our local restaurants, but this was a nice in-between where it feels a little lighter than takeout can sometimes be but still fun and fancy. The coconut lime tom kha-inspired soup is delicious.
I’m also sitting on my hands waiting for Hetty McKinnon’s latest book To Asia, With Love to come out stateside. I was honored to see a little sneak peek of the book and to cook a recipe or two from it, and I will actually share something new with you all soon that’s from her book! It is the best thing I’ve made in years. For now, you can preorder here!
What else? We made the decision to keep Luke out of school a little longer, which was hard for us. It has been a year since he’s been in school, and Clara’s also not in school yet even though she’s now the age that Luke was when he started. But I recognize how fortunate we are to have that choice, and I’m happy that they can keep each other company (even if that company is, frequently, Luke putting his feet on Clara’s head, Clara pulling his hair, or them screaming at each other and crying–or all of the above at once). So, for now, we’re just still taking things day by day, and getting more excited (and yes, maybe a little nervous) for our house to get even rowdier in a few months.
Leaving you with a few snapshots of some of the things we’ve been cooking and eating. Hope everyone is safe and well.

It’s so very good to “hear” from you about how life is treating you. You are very very busy….in a good way. Hope to see another posting soon. Stay well.
It is my goal to post more frequently! Thank you so much for such a kind comment, Mary–so wonderful to hear from you, too.
Rob McIntosh
Thank you so much!
Well congrats on the newest baby and very nice to read from You- I am NOT kidding- I think you know I am in a wheelchair and use a walker due to a stroke- SO I watch a LOT of TV- I am 71 and blessed with 5 wonderful children, our eldest just made me a delicious lunch- Pasta and peas with homemade pizza- Delicious Watching GUY FIERI yesterday and he had 4 chefs cooking various things on his ranch- As I am watching, and getting hungry, I started to think how I had not read from you in a while- So your message made my day- All the best to you, your hubby and your lovely children Peace Bill
Bill, it is always such a gift to hear about you and your family, and to read your comments. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words.
Congratulations; loving the update! I am currently cooking my way through A Common Table as a 2021 pandemic project. I have a spreadsheet so that I can prioritize recipes with similar ingredients (kabocha squash, corn, etc) and it’s been really fun and tasty so far! I only wish my food photography was better so I could do it justice. I’m at 23 recipes so far and counting and recommend your cookbook to all my home cooking related facebook groups.
Oh how happy this makes me! Especially the spreadsheet (never too many spreadsheets in my life)–I love that you are organizing it by ingredient. All food photography is good food photography, I hope you’ll share some photos along the way. Thank you so much for this, it makes my day.
Thanks for responding! Will try to share some photos especially now that we’re getting more natural light in the evening. Wanted to also add that your book is perfect in so many ways as I’m from the South and my fiance is Korean-American from the West Coast and it’s such a harmonious blend of our cultures and comfort foods but also lots of fun new things to try. It really makes me want to head to Hawaii, that’s for sure!
Colleen SchneiderCongratulations
Congratulations! What a beautiful family. So very excited for you all!
Thank you so much, Colleen!
Chef mimi
How exciting! I can’t imagine being pregnant during a pandemic! But I also can’t imagine being home with kids non stop. My daughter’s children are 6 and 3 and boy do they fight. Plus when the older tries to do school, or, anything, really, the little ones gets mad. What a madhouse! Here’s hoping bowl #3 will allow you to keep food down eventually!
Ha! This made us laugh–Clara does really like to get in her older brother’s way, too. Thanks so much for such nice words, Mimi.
So very good to hear about you and your family. Congratulations!
Thank you so much, Mary!
Torrie @ To Love and To Learn
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Getting through the fatigue and sickness is no joke, so I hope you feel better and more energetic soon. Love any posts you put up—your dishes are always a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach!
That is so kind, Torrie! Thank you so much–already lots better.
Luke and Clara are getting so big!!! I enjoyed reading about your life update–I hope your pregnancy gets easier and that your morning sickness ends soon! I hope you and your family continue to be safe and healthy during this crazy times. Thank you for the update and I look forward to hearing more news in the future!
Thank you so much, Emily! It is already getting lots better, and I’m already working on a few little things in the hopper (it’s really been awhile, I almost forgot how to blog!) so all good things and so appreciate you still being here 🙂
Congrats on the newest baby bowl!
Thank you so much, Yelle!