Inspired by My Darling Lemon Thyme and with help from Aeri’s Kitchen and The Cafe Sucre Farine. Extra tortillas will keep in an airtight container for several days. Kimchi will keep for at least a month and up to two or three.
This was my first time making homemade tortillas and I was totally enamored. They’re easy but so rewarding. A note on the oil in the recipe — I tried a few versions of the tortillas and found that less oil results in lighter, softer tortillas that are fluffier right out of the pan. More oil means they’ll be a little denser. At the same time, more oil will keep them softer longer — the ones with less oil didn’t reheat as well. You can adjust the oil in these by a teaspoon or so in either direction, depending on your preference.
If you don’t have sweet rice flour for the kimchi, feel free to omit it — it’s designed to help disperse the paste evenly throughout the kimchi, but the kimchi will be fine without it. You can add a few teaspoons of sugar to adjust for sweetness, if you like.
Also, the photos above show grated carrots in the kimchi — they’re there because I used leftover marinade from a batch of regular kimchi (recipe here). Feel free to add it if you like!